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Student Feature-Adriana Broome
June 21, 2018

Adriana conducting research with team.
Vietnam Internship Summer 2018
I'm Adriana Broome, a graduate student at USF Patel College of Global Sustainability. I am completing my MA with a concentration in Coastal Sustainability. I am also obtaining my certificate in Sustainable Tourism. I'm currently in Vietnam completing my ACE (Academic Capstone Experience) as an intern here in Ho Chi Minh City and Ninh Thuan, Vietnam. The name of my project is called "Renewable Project" because what I am currently researching involves determining the efficient use of micro algae production, and their biomass valorization. The goal is to reduce pollutant loads of aquaculture wastewater discharge in coastal areas. My main duties in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam focus on utilizing practical measures to determine the quality of wastewater due to high concentration of nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate.) I also measure and report on inorganic and organic carbons found in wastewater (BOD, COD), and research the appropriate rate of micro algae use for inoculation in lab scale using 5 liters reactor. In Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, I operate a photo bioreactor with plastic bags (20 liters volume) using wastewater from shrimp ponds and measure the quality of wastewater everyday.
I am very enthused about being selected to perform this research here in Vietnam. My work is focused on finding a solution to the wastewater discharge problem in Vietnam's coastal communities. As conditions are favorable for the growth of micro-algae, I believe that implementing this new approach and providing my research results to aquaculture farmers and the regional government will provide them with a sustainable alternative for reducing the amount of pollutant loads being discharged daily.
Obtaining this internship has been essential for my personal and professional growth.

Program Pamphlet

Distilment of micro algae

Inoculation of micro algae using 5 liter reactor