Tampa Bay Regional Consortium

Tampa Bay Regional Consortium

The Tampa Bay Regional Consortium is working to drive inclusive development, innovation, and prosperity across the Tampa Bay region. We believe that, through collective action, strategic partnerships and open collaboration, Tampa Bay can accelerate its growth in key technology sectors to create a vibrant ecosystem that empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and advances the region as a hub of opportunity and excellence.

Tampa Bay is the prime region in the United States with the foremost potential to become a self-sustaining, globally competitive technology and innovation hub.

Quoted from the Tampa Bay Regional Tech Hub Consortium grant submission

The Consortium was formed in response to the EDA’s Tech Hubs Program in 2023 and remains committed to strengthening ties between government, higher education, industry, economic development entities, community organizations, and others to generate collective impact and positive change for our community. 

Our Members 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the EDA’s Regional Technology and Innovation Hub Program?

The Tech Hubs Program aims to identify regions with existing potential, where an EDA investment can catalyze self-sustaining, globally-competitive regions over the next decade, with each focused on a key technology focus area.

Phase 1 of the program identified 31 regions to designate as Tech Hubs and provided 21 Strategy Development Grants.

In Phase 2 Designated Tech Hubs will have the opportunity to apply for funding for implementation projects.

The EDA hopes to continue the program in future rounds.

How do we define the “Tampa Bay Region”?

We describe the Tampa Bay Region to include not only the Tampa-Clearwater-St. Petersburg MSA, but beyond to the neighboring counties to the North, East, and South, as well as organizations in other regions of the state and nation that form connections to the Tampa Bay region.

What kind of organizations are members?

The consortium is made up of institutions of higher education, workforce organizations, local and state governments, economic development organizations, financial institutions, healthcare institutions, industry members, federal laboratories, transportation planning organizations, and many other organizations with a focus on bettering our region.  

How do I learn more about the consortium?

To learn more and discuss how your organization might get involved, contact the Tampa Bay Regional Consortium here.

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News Highlights

USF leads consortium effort to designate Tampa Bay a national tech hub in cybersecurity
The University of South Florida is leading an expansive effort to help Tampa Bay secure the federal designation of Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Hub — a prolific indicator of the region’s potential for rapid technology-led economic growth.

Tampa Bay Wave and USF to launch HealthTech|X Accelerator in 2024
Tampa Bay Wave, Florida's premier non-profit accelerator for high-growth startups, is proud to announce its strategic collaboration with the University of South Florida (USF), powered by a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), to introduce the HealthTech|X Accelerator program.

Does Tampa Bay have a shot at being a hub for tech business?
Tampa Bay's mission to become a global tech hot spot had made great strides of late. One notable advantage, says one executive, comes from a talent pool without an "extensive entitlement" mindset.

'State of the Region’ researchers unveil workforce and affordability trends in the Tampa Bay region
Once again, new residents are flocking to the Tampa Bay area. On the flip side, family budgets are squeezed, with nearly 57 cents of every dollar going toward housing and transportation. That financial strain reveals an alarming narrative — full-time work is not enough to make ends meet.

USF ranks among the top 15 public universities in new patents
For the 11th consecutive year, the University of South Florida is one of the top 15 American public research universities for producing new U.S. utility patents, according to a new ranking released today by the National Academy of Inventors.

USF to tackle environmental challenges through new initiative with Tampa Bay Wave and the St. Petersburg Innovation District
USF continues to strengthen its collaboration with Tampa Bay Wave and the St. Petersburg Innovation District through the creation of a new program that addresses some of the nation’s most pressing environmental concerns.

Tampa Bay is a top 20 tech hub, report shows
With the growth of technology throughout Florida, a new report by CommercialCafe has ranked Tampa Bay as the third-best tech hub in the state. 

Key Reports Repository

Below is a collection of key reports and data about our region and beyond. This information focuses on economic indicators, workforce, and sector-specific data and provides valuable context for regional storytelling and casemaking. Reports are organized by Statewide, Regional, County/Locality, and Sector focus.

Statewide Reports

  • Economic Development Capacity IndexU.S. EDA
    Data-driven estimation of capacity, including strengths and potential areas for growth or maturation across five capacity areas across the U.S.
  • The Florida Gap MapFlorida Chamber of Commerce
    Data visualization and analysis tool showing unique barriers to opportunity present in each of Florida’s 983 zip codes.

Regional Reports

County/Locality Specific Reports

  • Pasco EDC Reports       
    Includes county activity, workforce, and talent attraction

Sector Specific Reports

  • 2023 Florida Manufacturing ReportFlorida Commerce – 2023 
    State of manufacturing in Florida with summaries and analysis of strengths, areas of opportunity, and challenges
  • Industry SnapshotsCareerSource Tampa Bay 
    Snapshots of 6 industries in Hillsborough county: Finance & Professional Services; Health Care-Life Science; Hospitality, Retail and Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing-Logistics; Transportation-Trade

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