About Us


Welcome to the Office of Multicultural Affairs, commonly referred to as OMA. On the Tampa campus we are located on the third floor of the Marshall Student Center in the Student Life Tower, on the St. Petersburg campus we are located in the Student Life Center, and on the Sarasota-Manatee campus we are located in the Campus Student Center.  We advise our student led programming boards to offer a variety of programs and services that prepare students for a global society. 

Mission Statement

The Office of Multicultural Affairs support student leaders in developing leadership skills and multicultural competencies by coordinating student-led educational, cultural, and social programs to foster experiences for USF students which create interculturally mature global citizens who are prepared to thrive in a global society. These programs help students understand and appreciate each other's talents and contributions, thus creating an environment enabling students to become conscientious global citizens.

Our Funding

Funding for programs and events are provided by Student Government through the A&S fee allocation process in accordance with Florida BOG Regulation 9.016(1)(a)8a and 9.016(2)  and SB 266 (section 1004.06(2), Florida Statutes) 

We also rely on generosity of grants through the USF Foundation or sponsorship from local businesses or agencies.  If you would like to support these programs, visit USF Foundation.