Student Organizations
Have you heard of the Multicultural Community (MCC)?
The MCC is a coalition of multicultural student organizations on the Tampa campus
that fosters cross-cultural relationships, facilitates intentional programs, and develops
student leaders through the advising support of the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
MCC members are empowered to lead and achieve their greatest potential as multicultural
student organizations at USF. Their programs and activities are student funded in
accordance with Florida BOG Regulation 9.016(1)(a)8a and 9.016(2) and SB 266 (section 1004.06(2),
Who Can Join?
The MCC is open to all registered student organizations that are interested in establishing
a coalition with other organizations related to cultural identity, celebration, and
student organzation development.
Connect with the organizations of the MCC!
USF has over 600 registered student organizations! Of these organizations, there are
many that are cultural or identity based, although open to all students.
Check out BullsConnect for information on these student organizations.
Learn more about student organizations through the Office of Leadership & Student Organizations on the St. Petersburg campus and the Office of Student Engagement on the Sarasota-Manatee campus.