Peer Educator Topics

• Happy Hour: Learn about the effects of alcohol in this fun and interactive presentation. You
will learn about USF drinking patterns, understanding your BAC, standard drinks, alcohol
emergencies and more.
Marijuana & Other Drugs
• Pot Party: Ever have questions about marijuana and don't know where to find the "right" answer?
In this interactive program learn about marijuana research, what marijuana does to
the body, and the risks of marijuana use.
• Hookah, e-Cigs, and Vaping...Oh My!: Learn about how hookah, e-cigarettes, vaping, and even social smoking can impact
your health. You will be provided with information about what happens to your body,
nicotine addiction, and resources on campus to help reduce and end tobacco use.
Sexual Health
• Safer Sex Party: In this program, you will find out what safer sex is all about. Learn about barrier
methods, sexually transmitted infections, consent, and have all your sexual health
questions answered in this hands-on, engaging presentation.
Stress Management
• Stressed Out!: College is super stressful! Everyone handles stress differently and we want to help
find a way that works best for you. In this program, you'll focus on recognizing stressors
and finding ways to cope with interactive activities and, of course, lots of laughter.
Body Image & Body Acceptance
• Bulls Building a Better Body Image: Body image is important to talk about. Learn how to get the conversation about building
better body image for yourself, helping a friend, and societal norms going.
Healthy Routines
• Healthy Routines: Having a healthy lifestyle is important to maintaining lifelong wellness. Play jeopardy
to learn how to face challenges in a healthy way and make each day count.
- We ask that you guarantee at least ten participants
- Peer educators program end time will be 10 p.m. Any programs requested to run after this time will be reviewed on a program-by-program basis.
- All requests require at least a two weeks' notice. If less than two weeks' notice, we cannot guarantee availability. These requests will be reviewed by staff.
- If a program you are interested in is not listed, please select 'other' and let us know what you would like. We need at least a three weeks' notice to create a new program that is not described above.