About Us

Responsible Education and Action for Campus Health (REACH)
REACH is a student run Peer Health Education group sponsored by Student Government and Wellness Education. REACH is affiliated with the national collegiate peer education organization BACCHUS and GAMMA.
Each semester, the Center for Student Well-Being trains new peer health educators to prepare them to join the team. REACH is split into three groups of members, including Peers in Training, Peer Health Educators, and the Executive Board. After finishing up training, a Peer in Training is officially a Peer Health Educator. Peers attend weekly meetings and conduct outreach on various wellness topics throughout campus. Once a Peer Health Educator, they can apply to be on the Executive Board, where they also work in the Wellness Center and conduct more in depth programs. Executive Board positions are paid positions.
For more information on joining REACH, stop by the Wellness Center in MSC 1504. For more information on the BACCHUS and GAMMA network, please visit