Benefits of PASS

There are many benefits to participating in PASS regularly.

Benefits of PASS for Students

  • Develop individual and group study skills in a conducive environment
  • Organize and examine notes and materials with peers
  • Prepare more effectively for exams, with a focus on mastery of difficult concepts
  • Become comfortable with classmates through group learning, leading to more class participation and a stronger connection with the USF community
  • Learn to collaborate with peers while completing activities and practice problems
  • Receive on average one letter grade higher 
  • Become stronger life-long learners

Benefits of PASS for the PASS-Leaders

  • Reinforce subject knowledge and mastery needed for post graduate work
  • Develop a variety of technical and professional proficiencies, such as leadership, time-management, and communication skills
  • Acquire familiarity with learning pedagogy and collaborative learning techniques
  • Network with students, faculty, and colleagues
  • Build relevant work experience for resume, including CRLA certification, and gain academic references

Benefits of PASS for Faculty

  • Improve student understanding of concepts 
  • Boost student interactions in class
  • Increase pass rate in course
  • Receive feedback before end-of-semester student evaluations
  • Work closely with and mentor students
  • Build a stronger connection with USF faculty across the Tampa campus

Benefits of PASS for USF

  • Assist with graduation rate and retention
  • Lower rates of Ds, Fs, & Withdrawals from traditionally difficult courses
  • Establish consistent and effective academic support for students 
  • Develop USF leaders among faculty and student body


Here’s what some members of our USF community had to say about their experience with PASS:

  • “PASS Leader has taught me some useful tips in the self-evaluation process. I find it helpful that they don't just give feedback; it's more like teaching me how to brainstorm throughout the writing process. The technique of asking questions during the feedback process also helps me figure out many interesting details that can be added to my essay. With their support, I consistently feel on the right track across all three projects.”

Student attending Peer Assisted Study Session support for ENC 1101: Composition I 

  • “The overall experience of being a PASS Leader has been extremely rewarding, and I have learned more than I could have ever expected. Without a doubt, I have been honored to create a positive impact on so many students as we serve as PASS Leaders—it is something that is as fulfilling as it is has been a valuable lesson, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this program and team, and I look forward to continuing to make an impact and expand this program during the rest of my college years.” 

Maria Ortiz, PASS Leader for ENC 1101: Composition I, sophomore majoring in finance 

  • “The PASS Leader in my course was phenomenal. She was able to provide additional support in areas where students were having difficulty, which noticeably improved some students’ work. The additional support in the classroom allowed all my students to get more one-on-one time with a knowledgeable person.” 

Dr. Adam Phillips, Assistant Professor of Instruction & Assistant Director of First-Year Writing, PASS faculty member for ENC 3250: Professional Writing