Meet the Team

Join the Team

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The Healthy Relationships Lab is located at the University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences. The Healthy Relationships Lab focuses on the link between psychological well-being and relationship satisfaction, with an emphasis on under-served and under-represented populations. 

How to apply

  • Complete the application
  • Personal Statement of Interest (~500 words) that discusses:
    • Reasons for wanting to join
    • What strengths do you bring to the team>
    • What are your plans after graduation?
  • Resume/CV

Once you've completed the application, please send Dr. Biesen an email to alert her to your application.

Lab Expectations

  • minimum of 5 hours/week
  • minimum of 2 semesters
  • willing and able to attend in-person meetings and data collections
  • reliable, excellent communication


  • data collection
  • data entry
  • preparation of IRB application
  • literature searches/reviews
  • creation of lab materials
  • participant recruitment
  • participants management