Current Students

Honors Student Portal

The Judy Genshaft Honors College provides a wide range of resources to support Honors students in achieving their academic, research, community engagement, global development, and campus involvement goals.

Image of the Honors Portal home page in the student view.

To help students succeed, the Honors Student Portal offers access to numerous tools and services, including: 

  • Tracking academic progress with completion and experiential learning forms
  • Connecting with your Honors advisor and check-in to Honors advising appointments
  • RSVPing for upcoming Honors events
  • Exploring career resources and co-curricular activities at USF
  • Booking the Honors Podcast and AV studio

Visit the Honors Student Portal

Additional Support

The Honors College staff is here to assist you! If you have feedback about the Student Portal, please complete the feedback form located within the portal or contact the team with any additional questions