USF Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
In Spring 2020, USF partnered with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) to administer a Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey. The job satisfaction survey provides insights into faculty satisfaction across a variety of aspects of the faculty role at USF and allows the data to be compared with data from faculty at peer institutions.
Frequently Asked Questions about COACHE and the Job Satisfaction Survey
Who took the survey?
The survey was administered to full-time faculty across USF including those with primary
full-time appointments in USF Health. This included non-tenure track, tenure-track,
and tenured faculty including instructors. It excluded visiting faculty, part-time
faculty and adjuncts.
When did the survey happen?
The survey was administered from February 20th through April 20th in 2020. The timeframe
was extended to accommodate a shift to remote instruction for COVID-19, the results
from before and after the onset of remote instruction were not statistically significant.
Faculty received reminders directly from COACHE at least four times over the survey
period. Chairs and Deans were asked to remind their faculty several times.
Who administered the survey?
The survey was distributed and managed by COACHE.
How will the data be used?
The data will be shared with USF faculty and academic leadership to support evidence-based
decision making across the university. View the timeline page for a schedule of anticipated
Will anyone know my responses to the survey?
Any individual information has been removed from the survey results. Responses from
academic units with less than five faculty members will not be shared in any summary
reports to ensure anonymity.
How will the results be shared?
Results will be shared on the Provost’s Office website and presented to faculty at
various council meetings, including the Council of Deans and Faculty Senate meetings.
Please reach out to with any additional questions regarding the COACHE survey.