USF Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
Results from the 2020 USF Faculty Job Satisfaction are summarized in the sections below. To learn more about the response rates, survey themes, the peer institutions and comparisons, and a global summary, view the 2020 USF Faculty Job Survey Report.
Best Aspects of the University Experience
The following four aspects were identified as the best overall elements of working at USF out of 26 items. When adjusted for population (pre-tenure faculty, associate professors, women faculty, and faculty of color), the top three aspects for each still fell into the top four categories.
- Geographic Location
- Quality of colleagues
- Support of colleagues
- Academic Freedom
* Top three selections by pre-tenure faculty
~ Top three selections by associate professors
+ Top three selections by women faculty
^ Top three selections by FOC
Survey themes on the benchmarks included job tasks, benefits, leadership, governance, department characteristics, and T&P; the following shows a comparison of the highest-rated benchmarks for USF and the selected peer institutions.
University Quality
Faculty were asked to indicate their overall satisfaction, intent to leave, and the likelihood that a faculty member would recommend USF as a place to work.
- 64% of USF faculty are satisfied to very satisfied with the university as a place to work.
- USF faculty satisfaction with ‘Personal and Family policies’ are in the top 30% among peers institutions and 110 cohort institution as noted in the benchmark analysis.
Department Quality
Faculty were asked to indicate their overall satisfaction, intent to leave, and the likelihood that a faculty member would recommend USF as a place to work.
- 72% of USF faculty are satisfied to very satisfied with their departments as a place to work.
- The survey themes related to the department experience were highly rated through the
benchmark scores, the average for Department Collegiality, Department Quality, and
Department Leadership is 3.70 on a scale from 1.00 to 5.00.
- USF faculty rated Department Leadership higher than most peers and the satisfaction for this theme was in the top 30% of other institutions.
- Department Collegiality was rated highly and was consistent with peer institutions.
Opportunities for Improvement
Faculty were asked to designate two aspects are areas for improvement at USF; the most cited areas were compensation, quality of facilities, and lack of support for research/creative work.
* Top three selections by pre-tenure faculty
~ Top three selections by associate professors
+ Top three selections by women faculty
^ Top three selections by FOC