Bulls iResearch

Training Sessions

Bulls iResearch Training

Register for Training

Our expert-led training sessions are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our research community, providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage the full potential of Bulls iResearch.

It is strongly encouraged that you read through the following overview before attending a Bulls iResearch training session:

Getting Started in Bulls iResearch 

Recorded Training Opportunities

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your proficiency with Bulls iResearch. We encourage you to watch the training that covers your role within Bulls iResearch to ensure you're ready to hit the ground running when the platform goes live!

Additional training opportunities and formats are available. Contact us to request in-person, or individualized training.

Bulls iResearch Reviewer Training

This training is intended for those users that will be logging in to Bulls iResearch in order to review proposals, budgets, awards, or agreements. This training will cover the processes related to both Department Level Reviews, along with Ancillary Reviews as well.

Bulls iResearch Viewer Training

This training is intended for those users with Global Viewer Access, who will be logging in to view the different workspaces and information in Bulls iResearch. 

Bulls iResearch URA PI Training 

This training is intended for those users that will be logging in to Bulls iResearch in order to create/manage a proposal and budget, manage reviews, navigate an award workspace, and understand the new process within Bulls iResearch.