Text Pages


Recorded Workshop

Learn more about how to upload and publish documents in the “Documents + File Naming” workshop.


All documents should be uploaded prior to hyperlinking them on Text, Gallery, or News pages. Remember to name all document files using lowercase letters and/or numbers separated by hyphens only. Do not use special characters. For example: language-requirements-1.pdf.

The documents folder allows the following file extensions: ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, pdf.

Upload Documents

Screenshot of the location of a documents folder within the Modern Campus CMS.
  1. From within your unit’s directory, click on the documents folder.
  2. From Staging, drag and drop files onto the browser window or click the Upload button.
  3. If using the Upload button, click Add Files to browse to the document(s) you would like to upload or drag and drop the file(s) from your computer onto the Upload window.
  4. Click Start Upload.
    1. Documents will appear and function as pcf files in Staging.
  5. Once the file is uploaded, publish the file to Test and Production.


Please reference our Recycling, Deleting, and Restoring Files web page for more information.

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