Text Pages

Side Navigation

Recorded Workshop

Learn how to edit the Side Navigation file in the "Side Navigation, Sub Navigation, and Dependency Manager" workshop.


The Side Navigation (_sidenav.html) is a required element for all Text pages. It will display immediately below the section title, aligned on the left side. Please note: Side Navigation is not used on the homepage.

Screenshot of Side Navigation on a Text page in the Modern Campus CMS.
The side navigation can be customized to meet your unit’s needs. When a site visitor clicks on a link in the side navigation, the visitor is taken to that page, and the selected link will be highlighted in a different color. For example, if a visitor clicks on the link titled "Visit USF", the visitor is taken to the Visit USF page and the link's text will change from dark green to dark grey.

Side Navigation Criteria

  • Must contain at least three links, and no more than 12 links
  • Each link has a character limit of 20-40 characters and can be no more than two lines
  • Each link points to pages
  • The text will display in a pre-determined style

Edit Side Navigation

Side nav
  • Check out the _sidenav.html file of the website section you are working in.
  • Like editing a text document, hit Return on your keyboard to create a new bullet point. This will create a new side navigation item. Then click the link icon and use the Dependency Manager to navigate to the page you want the side navigation item to link to. Then click Insert.
    Side nav

    • Use Delete to remove or rearrange side navugation items.
  • Then click Save.
  • Publish to Test and/or Production.

Side Navigation Nested Links

Users have the option to include nested links within the side navigation.
Screenshot of CMS side navigation with nested links
If you create nested links, they only appear in the side navigation when you are on the parent page of the nested link or on another nested page. They do not appear if you are on another page of that website section.

By hitting Enter and then Tab the nested link will show up as a hollow bullet in the WYSIWYG editor.
Screenshot of the Side Navigation file, highlighted the nested link.

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