Text Pages


  1. Preparing Images
  2. Uploading Images
  3. Adding Images to Text Pages
  4. Recycle, Delete, or Restore Images
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Preparing Images

CMS Workshop: Preparing Images

  • Refer to the CMS Image Sizes web page for specific dimensions before preparing and uploading images.
  • Remember to name all image files using lowercase letters and/or numbers separated by hyphens only do not use special characters.
    • For example: feature-commencement.jpg
  1. Open the image in Photoshop, or a similar image-editing program.
    1. i.e. Canva, Mac Preview, Windows QuickLook
  2. Change the image’s resolution to be 72 ppi.
  3. Crop the image to the correct dimensions.
  4. Save the image as a JPG, JPEG, or PNG using "Save for Web" for optimization.
  5. Adjust the quality slider and aim to reduce the image’s file size while maintaining graphic quality.
  6. Upload all images to the site's images folder prior to inserting them into a Snippet.
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Click Publish.

Uploading Images

CMS Workshop: Uploading Images

Note on Binary Management

Binary Management is a subset of dependency manager that keeps track of binary files (images and documents). A binary file is assigned a tag that is used when you insert an image onto a page or link to a file. Once uploaded, these files display on Staging like your .pcf files and you need to publish them to either Test or Production.

Prior to the September 2022 upgrade, if you uploaded a file while on Staging, that file automatically went to Production. As we are starting fresh with Binary Management, the new process requires you to upload to Staging and then publish to Test or Production.

To view/select images uploaded prior to the Septemeber 2022 upgrade, you will still need to click over to Test or Production. Those images will not have a tag number associated with them. 

  • Images should be uploaded to the unit's specific images folder — either the unit's root folder (i.e. /images/business) or a folder within the unit's root folder (i.e. /images/business/contacts).
  • Images should not be uploaded to the root images folder — images uploaded here will be deleted quarterly.
  1. From the top directory, click on the images folder. Click on your unit’s folder. Please note: On newer sites, the images folder will be within the site folder.
  2. From Staging, drag and drop files onto the browser window or click the Upload button.
  3. If using the Upload button, click Add Files to browse to the image(s) you would like to upload or drag and drop the file(s) from your computer onto the Upload window.
  4. Click Start Upload. Images will appear and function as .pcf files in Staging.*
  5. Once the file is uploaded, publish the file to both Test and/or Production.
  6. *Please note: This is an updated process. To view/select images uploaded prior to the Septemeber 2022 upgrade, you will still need to click over to Test or Production. Those images will not have a tag number associated with them.

Adding Images to Text Pages

CMS Workshop: Adding Images to Text Pages

  1. All images added to a text page must be placed inside an Image Snippet.

Recycle, Delete, or Restore Images

Please reference our Recycling, Deleting, and Restoring Files web page for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I added an image to an Image Snippet and I'm not seeing it on my page. Am I missing something?

New images that have been uploaded, but not published, will not show up on the screen after you have saved your .pcf file. This is because the CMS defaults to viewing a preview of what the page will look like on Production.

Option 1
Make sure you publish your image(s) before you start to edit (recommended).

Option 2
Once you save your file, click "Preview" and select "Staging" from the upper right dropdown menu. Keep in mind that you will still need to publish your image(s) or they won't show up on your website. Publishing your text page does not automatically publish your image(s).