Admissions Tests


Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

View our USF MCAT course guide for suggested courses to take here at USF that help prepare for the MCAT. It outlines courses recommended to achieve competency.

Who takes the exam:
  • Medical School Applicants (M.D., D.O, Podiatry)
  • Accepted for some Physician Assistant Program Applicants
What is on the exam (~7hrs 30 min): 

The MCAT 2015 is a scientific inquiry and critical analysis test with 4 sections and 7 skill areas. View more information on the MCAT on the AAMC website.

Four test sections:

  1. Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
  2. Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
  3. Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
  4. Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills 

Seven skill areas:

Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning Skills:

      1. Knowledge of scientific concepts and principles
      2. Scientific reasoning and problem-solving
      3. Reasoning about the design and execution of research
      4. Data-based and statistical reasoning

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills:

      1. Foundations of comprehension
      2. Reasoning within the text
      3. Reasoning beyond the text
Preparing for the exam:

Exhaust all your free resources available before paying for materials. You can find free study plans, sample tests, and even a practice test on the AAMC website.


Please visit the AAMC website and their FAQs section for more  information on scheduling, cost, and study resoures.