Project MABAS
Key Components and Features

Interdisciplinary Training
Effective support for children with disabilities or at risk for disabilities due to behavioral and mental health challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration. No single profession has the expertise to address the complex needs of these children. Collaboration among school professionals, such as general and special education teachers, behavior analysts, social workers, school psychologists, therapists, and other specialists, creates a coordinated system that better identifies and addresses students' multifaceted needs.
By working together, the team can develop and implement comprehensive, individualized interventions supporting academic progress, as well as behavioral and social-emotional development. Interdisciplinary training is essential, as it fosters mutual understanding and respect among professionals and equip professionals with the skills to communicate effectively and coordinate services.
Project MABAS integrates interdisciplinary approaches in preparing school-based mental health practitioners, particularly behavior analysts and social workers, ensuring they enter the field with a strong foundation in collaborative practice. This preparation leads to more effective support systems and positive outcomes for children with disabilities or at risk for disabilities due to behavioral and mental health challenges.
Scholar Competency Areas
Successful school-based mental health professionals must develop expertise across several key competency areas to effectively support students with disabilities or at-risk due to behavioral and mental health challenges. These competencies form the foundation for delivering comprehensive, evidence-based services that address the complex interplay of academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs. The following outlines the core competency areas that are central to this work, and which Project MABAS addresses:
- Universal wellness promotion and prevention
- Targeted and intensive interventions
- Data-based decision making
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Trauma-informed care
- Culturally and linguistically inclusive practice
- Legal, ethical, and professional practice
Mentoring and Supervision
The following outlines the key elements of the mentoring and supervision framework within Project MABAS.
- Faculty mentorship on academic and professional development
- Supervision from school-based professionals (BCBAs, school social workers)
- Peer mentoring
- Participation in cohort-based learning groups