Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) | University of South Florida

Current QEP: ExCeL with Experience!

USF’s current QEP expands Experiential Centered Learning opportunities for students to enhance their skills, add to their experience, and apply their academics to be a more desirable employment candidate or graduate school applicant.

Learn more 

Bulls at Work

Student Andrea Coloma in front of a space shuttle on display at NASA

Bulls are doing amazing work as interns, researchers and employees—and all of it contributes to their future career and educational successes!

Career Readiness Articles

male student working in produce section of major grocery store

USF's career services website aggregates informative articles on student career preparation. Click through to explore them.

Career Readness Events

female student shaking hands with a company representative at a USF career fair

Explore upcoming QEP and career readiness events on our campuses.