Listing of Forms
Most forms or processes are available as E-Forms in iStart.
Click here for general iStart Tips
Click here if you are a Non F/J Students who needs a form filled or a letter requested
Requests Available Online through iStart:
NOTE: Some E-Forms have limited availability based on student immigration status. If you are unable to see an E-Form when you are logged into iStart that you believe you should be able to view, please contact OIS.
F-1/J-1 Student Services
- Campus to Campus Transfer
- Reduced Course Load Request
- Travel Signature Request
- Program Extension for F-1 Students
- Program Extension for J-1 Students
- OPT Information Update
- F-1 Transfer Out Request
- J-1 On Campus Employment Authorization
- OPT STEM Extension
Immigration Updates
- Add Dependents
- Report Change of Citizenship
(for students who have become permanent resident aliens) - Report Visa Stamp or Status
- Update Financial Documentation
- Update Financial Guarantee
- Update Passport
- Update Port of Entry Stamp & I-94
- Update Visa Stamp or Status
- Upload Updated Dependent Documents
Letter Requests
- Drivers License
- Enrollment
- Expense
- Invitation
- Social Security
Other Requests
- Authorized Early Withdrawal
- Change of Status F-1/F-2 (Within US)
- Home Country Form Verification
- Non-Immigration Form Processing
- Obtain or Regain F-1/F-2 Status Via Travel
- Request for Immigration Records
- Study ot Research Abroad Approval
Merging PDFs: If you need to combine multiple pdf files into one pdf you can use various free
tools. Adobe provides a free pdf merge tool at
File Upload Size: E-form file uploads are limited to a combined size of 20Mbs per e-form. If you receive
an error when trying to upload documents make sure you have not exceeded the upload
limit. You may need to lower your document resolution or quality settings.
File Name Errors: Make sure your upload files have a proper file extension (Ex. .pdf) and that the
filenames do not include any special characters (*,;,%,$, etc)
Requests for Non F/J Students
Some students might have dual citizenship that necessitates action for their home country but they don't have a record in iStart to complete an E-Form. Please use the email process below if you need one of these services from our office.
Canadian Tax Form Completion for Non-F/J Students
You will need to attach the following to the email. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT.
- The TL11A form with your name and program of study completed.
- The 1098-T form for the year you are requesting
Family Invitation Letter
You will need to attach the following to the email. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT.
- Passport biographical page for each person you would like an invitation for and their relationship to you (ex. Mother, Brother, Grandparent).