Research Integrity & Compliance

Research Integrity & Compliance

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promoting safe and ethical research

ethics point

Research Integrity & Compliance manages multiple programs aimed to promote safe and ethical research at the University of South Florida, and uphold a culture of integrity. The RIC staff administer key research-related assurance and compliance programs required by federal and state agencies and programs for the conduct of research at USF.  

Research Integrity & Compliance Programs


Conflict of Interest

Export Controls

Human Research Protections (IRB)

Institutional Animal Care (IACUC)

Investigational New Drug/Device

Quality Assurance & Improvement

Radiation/Laser Safety & Ethyl Alcohol

Research Security

Responsible Conduct of Research

Scientific Diving & Boating Safety


Applications for Research Compliance (arc) Portal

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The Applications for Research Compliance (ARC) portal is used for the management of protocols in the Animal Care and Use (IACUC), Biosafety (IBC), and Human Subjects Research (IRB) programs, and for disclosures and interest inventories on the Conflict of Interest (COI) program.

To access the ARC portal, you will need to create an account.

Required Courses for USF Researchers

Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research, while recommended for everyone, is required for certain individuals funded by NIH, NSF and NIFA. NIH requires at least eight hours of face-to-face training during each stage of one’s career (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, predoctoral, postdoctoral, and faculty levels). The RCR module available at CITI provides an overview but does not alone meet the NIH requirement for training.

Depending on the nature of the research, you may also need to complete Animal Care and Use (IACUC) and/or Human Research Protection (IRB).