Award Life Cycle

8. Closeout


  • For expiring awards, PI/Department Administrator (DA) will finalize and discontinue all expenditures (payroll, P-Card, travel, encumbrances, subcontracts and subawards) and all recurring charges (IT, cell, etc).

  • PI/DA prepares any accrued annual/sick leave payout for employees terminated prior to end date of the project.

  • PI/DA approves final invoice and/or financial report for submission to sponsor. Sponsored Research Post Award submits to sponsor.

  • PI works with Sponsored Research to ensure that all deliverables have been met and non-financial (technical, property and Intellectual Property) reports have been completed according to sponsor and university guidelines.

  • Sponsored Research Post Award prepares final releases, if applicable and submits to Sponsored Research for signature and submission to sponsor.

  • PI/DA works with Sponsored Research Post Award to resolve over-expenditures, if needed.

  • Sponsored Research Post Award provides roll-over analysis reports to PI/DA for fixed price projects.

  • After all expenses are accounted for and payments received, Sponsored Research Post Award inactivates chartfield and enters retention milestone.

  • PI/DA maintains records until receipt of notification from Sponsored Research Post Award to purge.